This afternoon I had the most amazing experience! About a month ago, a girl I went to high school with mentioned that her parents are on the Board of a non-profit that sends care packages to deployed soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today was care package packing day. There were about a 100-150 of us packing about 500 care packages! Little kids from Girl Scout/Boy Scouts; high school students working on service projects; friends and family of soldiers from all branches of the military. I spent the afternoon with a woman who has no family or friends in the military, and was keeping an eye on her high school student. She was enthralled with everything I told her about the Army, and I quickly realized just how much I've learned about the joys of the military lately. In a time where I've had to defend my position on supporting our troops - to feel this sense of community - was utterly fantastic!! I can't wait for the time to roll around to do it again.
It may sound cheesy... but it felt SOOO good to do something little for the men and women that do so much for us each day.