February 24, 2009

Vehicle Appreciation

I freely admit that I am blissfully ignorant of most vehicular functions. With that said - I know that my brother, father and other amazingly helpful males may not always be able to assist me in my time of need. I'm not completely helpless... I pump my own gas, can refill windshield wiper fluid, check the oil level and the air pressure on my tires. Plus I'm smart enough to know to get my oil changed every three thousand miles and to keep a AAA membership. Beyond that - I depend on my car to tell me what's wrong. Seriously, if an indicator light goes on... I head STRAIGHT to the mechanic.

I love my car! I spend enough time in traffic each day that a good relationship with my car is an absolute must. At this point, I should admit that I am the proud owner of a gas-guzzling SUV. Next time I need to purchase a new vehicle, I'll head for the hybrid SUVs, but I'll still buy a SUV. Part of my decision to own a Tahoe is that I like the ability to load up with people and stuff and just go & part of the decision is that I'm just so short! I really like the ability to see over the smaller cars. It's my few moments of tall each day!

The "check engine" light came on in my Tahoe, so she's visiting the mechanic today. I'm hoping that he calls and lets me know that A. It's fixable, B. It's not going to cost an arm and a leg, & C. That it'll be fixed today. In the meantime, my fabulous mother was kind enough to let me borrow her car. Truly, she is awesome! She has never hesitated to let my borrow her car (and she usually volunteers because she knows I feel horrible asking).

Driving other people's cars is fun. I like the variety, but inevitably - it makes me appreciate my car even more. I like knowing that it can whizz by the slow car in front of me; the familiar feel of my car that negates the need to over think the driving experience...and just DRIVE!

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