OPI "Think Pink" nail polish. Great summer color. :-)

A Bartender's Deck. Every woman should know how to mix at least one killer drink!

Proud mom to four weiners with lots of tales to tell!
I'm hoping for a low key, relaxed weekend. What do you have planned?
I finally dial the local access number for the calling card, enter my PIN, dial the ginormous country, city and local number for JC's cell...and get a lovely Afghani couple. Who spoke a bit of English and DEFINITELY thought it was great that I was calling from the USA.
Hung up and tried the whole shebang THREE MORE TIMES. Sigh. Downside - no conversation with JC; upside - I have made friends with a lovely couple!
(stolen from FoodNetwork.com)
While I'm not guilty of ALL of these...I do have to admit that I almost NEVER take time off, rarely delegate and had to skip a girl's night out last month because I was still at work at 9 PM.
I don't want my life to be like this!! Any suggestions on fun things I should do this weekend?