Well, it's finally summer in New England. HURRAY!! The sun shined, the breeze was warm and there was only a little rain. Add in the fabulous BBQ and fire pit at Kirstren's Saturday night and it was a great weekend!
This Monday I'm bringing back an old favorite. You all know this song; don't deny it! It's nice to see Will Smith before he hit it big as an movie star. :-)

YAY! for summer! New England MUST be gorgeous in the summer...
ReplyDeleteI've always loved that song. Still do in fact! Gotta love Will Smith, whether super famous or not.
ReplyDeleteJustine :o )
Summer, summer, summertime!! I heart this song!
ReplyDeleteAhhh Will Smith! Gotta love him! Yay for summer! =D
ReplyDelete(Thanks for following me! =) )
This is the best summer song and to me it will never get old!