October 28, 2009
October 26, 2009
Tuesdays At The Table - Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
Welcome to all the new contributors! I'm thrilled to see all the new "faces" and recipes. You know how to make a girl feel good. :-) I encourage you all to visit other recipe contributors. You all share such wonderful recipes that I want everyone possible to see them!
This week I'm sharing muffins that I discovered in A Taste of Home's bake sale magazine. I've seen a few different pumpkin muffins, so I sincerely apologize if you've seen this recipe before.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
4 eggs
2 cups flour
1 can (15 oz.) solid pack pumpkin
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 bag (12 oz) chocolate chips
In a large bowl, beat eggs, pumpkin and oil until smooth. Combine dry ingredients and add to pumpkin mixture. Mix well. Fold in chocolate chips. Fill muffin tins 3/4 full and bake at 400 degrees for 16-20 minutes. Let cool 5-10 minutes before moving to cooling rack.
What's cooking in your kitchen this week? And have you entered my latest giveaway? If not, click here!
October 25, 2009
Musical Monday - Great Day To Be Alive
My weekend was pretty good. :-) Made a batch of cake pops, spent Saturday night at Kirstren's Halloween party (I went as a nurse, in case you were wondering.) and Sunday was relaxing and indulging in my newest Facebook obsession - Sorority Life.
I'm going country on you and sharing Travis Tritt's "Great Day To Be Alive". The song is almost a decade old, but makes me smile every time I hear it.
Something else that makes me laugh?! That would be last weeks' group Hustle on DWTS! Check it out... especially the wigs on the guys. :-)
Have you entered my last giveaway of the month? No?!?! Enter here, and enjoy your day!

October 24, 2009
The FINAL Breast Cancer Awareness Month GIVEAWAY!
To be serious for a second - please do your monthly check and get mammograms when appropriate. Early detection is key. Mmmmkay?! I care about you all and want you around for a LONG, LONG time.
Without further ado, here's the booty up for grabs this time. (BTW, there will be two winners)

Korres Body Butter Trio

Pink Ribbon Wine Glass
A Pink/Stainless Steel water bottle
BOTH winners get:

Burt's Bees Shimmer & Glimmer Set
Eye Pillow (first place winner gets first choice of black or pink)
A scarf made by moi (Again, first place winner gets to choose.)!
Here are the rules:
You get ONE entry for commenting on this post.
You get ONE entry for following my blog.
You get ONE entry for following me on Twitter.
You get ONE entry for Tweeting about my giveaway.
You get ONE entry for blogging about my giveaway or putting it on your sidebar.
Please tell me what to give you credit for; I want you all to get the right amount of entries.
Entries/comments need to be in by midnight EST on Friday, October 3oth and the winner will be announced on Saturday the 31st.

October 23, 2009
A Pupperific Winner!
The adorable Amy from Just Add Walter and her furbaby Gracie are our winner! Email me your address, missy. :-) And of course go here and then let me know what fabric color, rhinestone color and size little Gracie would like!
Be on the look-out for my last Breast Cancer awareness month giveaway tonight or early tomorrow.

October 21, 2009
October 19, 2009
Tuesdays At The Table - Cake Pops
Cake Pops
October 18, 2009
Musical Monday - Let It Snow
I can't believe that it's snowed twice this weekend!! This is nuts. There were a few flakes on Friday night, then about an inch or so (or more in come places) on Sunday. Un-freaking-believable!!
To quote my friend Stina from work: "It's official. Winter beat up fall, stole her lunch money and her place in line." I love her!!
I have a love/hate relationship with snow. It's pretty. It's fun to play in. But dang it, it's a pain in the keister to shovel most of the time and driving in it is never a joy. What are your thoughts on snow?
I've decided to go with my impromptu little theme - and share Dean Martin's version of Let it Snow.
Other than the anomalous weather, this weekend has been pretty good. I ran some errands, did a little cleaning and made a trip to Michael's. I am ADDICTED to buying yarn! Yes, I know I'm weird. Does anyone else lose control of their budget when in a craft store?!?!

October 17, 2009
Apple Picking (aka A Day With The Fam)
I, *gasp*, took a day off (hard to believe - I know) and went out with my mom, Kirstren, her mom and her little boy. We all piled into my Tahoe, stopped for coffee and voyaged out to Stow, MA. Our destination? Honey Pot Hill Orchard!
We had a blast apple picking! Hay ride around the orchard, lots of great apples to be had, good weather and all around fun with the family.
Hope you're all having a great weekend!
If you haven't entered my new giveaway (aka the doggie giveaway), enter here.

October 15, 2009
It's *GASP* Another GIVEAWAY!
Let's see what we've got, shall we?

Robbie Dawg peppermint bark biscuits... Minty fresh dog kisses; YAY!
A set of doggie hand towels. Wipe your paws, ladies!
A pink and brown throw to keep everyone warm...

A paws and ribbons collar!
Note on the collar: I haven't bought it yet. You all have different size dogs and different senses of style. When you win, I'll direct you to this site to customize your collar and I'll jump in and pay.
You know I'd find something with the breast cancer ribbon on it!
Here are the rules:
You get ONE entry for commenting on this post.
You get ONE entry for following my blog.
You get ONE entry for following me on Twitter.
You get ONE entry for Tweeting about my giveaway.
You get ONE entry for blogging about my giveaway or putting it on your sidebar.Please tell me what to give you credit for; I want you all to get the right amount of entries.
Entries/comments need to be in by midnight EST on Tuesday, October 20th and the winner will be announced on Wednesday the 21st.
We Have A Winner!!
The fabulous Sonya is our winner! Email me your address, missy. :-)
Be on the look-out for my second giveaway later tonight or early tomorrow (depending on how impatient I get!)
I promise a longer post soon too...

October 12, 2009
Tuesdays At The Table - Apple Cake & Apple Chips
That means that I get to experiment more with apples. Woohoo! I have two recipes for you. One a success (apple cake) and one a fail; majorly (apple chips). Why am I sharing my fail?!?! Well because A. I can't believe that something so easy and touted by Rachel Ray kicked my butt, B. For any hints that you may have on trying again (I WILL try again; I'm stubborn like that) and C. Because we all know that everything we try isn't going to come out perfect.
Apple Cake
2 cups flour
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
4 cups (about 6 apples) finely diced apples
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup butter (melted)
2 eggs
Combine flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add apples, nuts, butter and eggs. Beat until combined. This will be a very thick batter. Put in greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350 for an hour.
Apple chips
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 large apples
Preheat the oven to 250°. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and cinnamon. Using a serrated knife or mandolin, thinly slice the apples crosswise, discarding the seeds and both ends. Arrange in a single layer on parchment-paper-lined baking sheets; sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar.
Bake the apple slices, turning every half hour, until dry, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Remove and transfer to racks to cool. Store in an airtight container.
What's cooking in your kitchen?
The winner of the pink kitchen products will be revealed Tuesday night & look for another giveaway late in the week.

October 11, 2009
Musical Monday - Orange Sky
I've been to Ft. Drum and back...
I've laughed and cried...
Breathed a sigh of relief over seeing one of my soldiers return. Battered; bruised; in need of healing - but HERE....
Had my heart break just a little over seeing how hard the road ahead for him is going to be.
You're probably going to laugh at me; but something about an Army base just feels like home to me. It's likely because I grew up in a military family; but I feel like I belong.
This week's song is a favorite of JC's and mine (and a few of my honorary brothers too). It's an amazing song and I cry almost every time I hear it.
A huge thank you to all of you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! So many of you have emailed your thoughts and experiences with PTSD, offered encouragement and most importantly - prayer! I can't say enough about the power of prayer. All of our soldiers need our prayers and I encourage you to keep them on your prayer list.
Much love. (And back to my usual lighthearted posts tomorrow! If you want in on my giveaway - this is your last chance. :-)

October 09, 2009
Easily Amused...
I was feeling a little stressed yesterday, so I went shopping on Sephora.com. Do I remember what I bought? NOPE!! It'll be a surprise when it arrives. Today, I arrived home to a surprise... this quarter's BeautyFix package. Woohoo!! So much good stuff! Are any of you BeautyFix members? I'd love to compare notes. :-)
Carmella got a fur-cut yesterday. What did I do to the poor thing before she went? This....
But doesn't she look adorable now? (Ignore the less than pleased expression. She doesn't like the G-R-O-O-M-E-R!)
And, finally... a commercial that I find amusing for absolutely no reason at all.
Have you entered my giveaway yet? If not, click here. :-)

October 08, 2009
When Things Go "BOOM"
A recent conversation with JC went like this:
JC: I'm OK.
Me: Umm...
JC: Before I tell you this; I'm OK.
Me: Just tell me, damn it.
JC: Our truck blew up.
Me: Oh, F*@K!!
No matter how hard you pray, it's almost inevitable that something is going to go wrong. They don't call it "war" just for shits and giggles.
So, here's the deal. JC wasn't in the truck. He was covering someones leave and didn't go out on a mission with his usual crew. They drove over an IED and their MRAP blew up. If they had been in another vehicle; I don't think they all would have survived.
The men in their truck are all OK; depending on your definition of "ok". However, one of them flew home (not home home; Ft. Drum home) after being diagnosed with PTSD earlier this week. [Another got sent to Ft. Bragg for burns sustained in the explosion.] Saturday morning I'll be going up to see him. I love these guys. They.are.family. Yep, it's a long drive up there and back; but I'd do it for each of them ANYTIME.
If any of you have advice or suggestions on how I can best help someone with PTSD, I'm all ears. I'd like to hear anything you have to say. All I can think to do for him is to BE THERE. Just be there and listen.
And, I leave you with a request. Hug your family extra tight tonight...mmkay?

October 05, 2009
Tuesdays At The Table - Apple Blueberry Crisp & A GIVEAWAY!
Also, both in celebration of taking over TATT & recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month - I'm doing a few giveaways. The first one is pink kitchen items. Look for other giveaways later in the month.
On to the giveaway! Here are a few things that I rounded up for you:

KitchenAid 1 cup grating set (sensing a theme?!?!)

Cuisinart vegetable peeler (Sorry! Couldn't find a KitchenAid one.)
You get ONE entry for linking up and contributing a recipe.
Please tell me what to give you credit for; I want you all to get the right amount of entries.
Entries/comments need to be in by midnight EST on Monday, October 12th and the winner will be announced on Tuesday the 13th. Good luck!!