However...I'm contemplating a Kindle.

I'm intrigued that all the books currently clogging my built-in bookshelves can be housed on something as thin as a pencil! My friends that already have them rave that their Kindle is super lightweight and extremely user friendly.
Part of me is really hesitant though. I really like the feel of holding a book; the smell of the paper and ink; the act of curling up on the couch and turning pages.
Do any of you have a Kindle? Or any words of wisdom? Share. PLEASE!

I feel like such a dweeb, I'd never heard of one! It sounds awesome!!! I think it would be good to use for books that you want to read but aren't sure you'll like or ever read again.
ReplyDeleteI don't have one but have contemplated it as well. Sometimes I get irritable reading things online and I have to print it out and read it on a page. I don't know why that is so I'm unsure. I wish I knew someone that had one so I could check it out without buying it.
ReplyDeleteI have been dying for a kindle too... but when I started to think about it I dunno if I REALLY want one.
ReplyDeleteThe books are still about $10 for the kindle, so I kinda feel like I'd be wasting a crapload of money.
I've briefly thought about a Kindle, but I'm like you, I love holding a book in my hands, and I just loooooove going to the library, nothing like the smell of a library filled with books! And usually, if I've borrowed a really good one that I want for my collection, I buy it used off of Amazon. I am running out of space for my books, but I could never give up my paper books!
ReplyDeleteHalf of the joy of reading is holding the book....and collecting the books. ;-) But, that's just me.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard of this book. But do love to ready..
ReplyDeleteOops it is suppose to be read...
ReplyDeleteI don't have one. However, I have tried reading books online, like when Oprah has a free download? And it's just NOT the same as holding a book in my hand. For one thing, it's hard on my eyes. I 100% prefer a BOOK.
ReplyDeleteI have been having the same conversation. My question is...what happens when the thing crashes and you know it's going to. Do you lose all the books you've purchased? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have a Kindle and I love it. I still check books out from the library if I just want a quick read, but when it's a book that I know I'll love and would want to keep? I get it for my Kindle. It's cheaper than the book version, and it takes up less space. It's much more organized and the technology used on the screen makes it look as if you're looking at an actual page of a book.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't recommend this enough! :)
I have never heard of a Kindle but I don't think I would like it... I love curling up with a nice book and reading.. I just don't think it would be the same for me!
ReplyDeleteOooooo, Stephen King! One of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteI looked at Kindle...for like 2 seconds...then realized that I also like to turn pages...and usually of my favorite friends (Stephen King being my #1 reading old friend btw).
ReplyDeleteIf I don't want to turn pages I go audiobook (which I do now on the way to and from the office).
Good Luck with the decision!
Why do only one of the two choices? I own a kindle and love it. I also keep buying books. I'm also using both a Mac and a PC at home too. Graphic novels, atlases, photo books and fashion magazines are much better in dead-tree format. Pretty much all of the rest is better on the Kindle.
ReplyDeleteI love the look, feel and smell of books too much to read a book off of a little computer screen. Nevah!
ReplyDeleteJustine :o )
I've been trying to decide whether to get one or not too! I love the feel of books and having them, but they take up a lot of space and I don't like parting with them once I have them! I'll still by kids books, but I wonder if it's a better way to buy novels and such. Can't wait to hear what you decide:)
ReplyDeletei just blogged about this too!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you're thinking about gettting a Kindle, you should just go ahead and do it!!! Amazon has excellent customer service and offers a no questions asked 30-day return policy. If you don't like it, no loss. For those saying they don't like reading on a computer screen, the Kindle is NOTHING like reading on a computer! It uses e-Ink technology which is very similar to reading ink on paper. For the person who wanted to know what happens to your books if your Kindle dies someday, no problem, every Kindle book you buy from Amazon is stored on their servers and can be re-downloaded at any time. You can even have up to 6 Kindles share the same account, which means you can all be sharing the same books too but only having to pay once.
ReplyDeleteCheck out for tons more info, it's probably the friendliest internet message board around and there are more than 6,000 users.
I know people who have one, but honestly, if I want to read a book and not have it take up space at my house I go to the library. Best of both worlds in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of asking for a Kindle for Christmas! I'm a huge reader and I think having a Kindle to just tuck in my purse or suitcase would be awesome! When we go on vacation I drag at least three or four books along! But I kind of want to try one out before I commit. I'm not sure if I could get used to reading a book on a computer screen.