Right now, my blog isn't a secret - but I'm not advertising it either. People from my everyday life that I really trust know (my mom, Kirstren, Stina, Heather, and a few others)... but I've sheltered myself from the eyes of others. That said, I'm really proud of my blog - and all of you!
I have so many questions! So, I'm coming to you - my dear, sweet, bloggy friends. Did you tell your IRL peeps about your "imaginary friends"?

Good question I think about this also. I'd like to share my blog with my neighbor friend but something makes me hold back I don't know why.
ReplyDeleteMy friends and family know about my blog, and this has it's pluses and minuses. In one way, it's great because it keeps me in touch with a lot of family that I wasn't very close with before. They've told me that they feel like they know me a lot better now.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, there is a lot of stuff that I wish I could vent about but can't because some of my family reads it! I know that some of them would get their feelings hurt or not understand. So it's a toss-up!
I have a few friends that may read it. My Mom is the only family member. But my SIL got it because I did a post about her. I am not sure if I want more people to read it. I guess to me anyone reads it but this is my thing and I do it for a fun time and have fun. I do not have to worry about hurting anyone or them thinking I am crazy. I say do what you want. Just know that they are reading it...
ReplyDeleteI told my friends and family about my blog as soon as I started it. However, the only ones that read it daily or weekly are my really close friends and mother in law. My sister won't read it because she thinks that I am crazy for letting complete strangers read all about my family. She doesn't understand that I keep my information very limited and never blog about going out of town or when my husband is gone. My mom reads it when she remembers but that is few and far between.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are times when I wish not so many of my friends/neighbors read my blog because there are plenty of times that I would like to be able to vent or discuss things that could be about them or their children and I can't because I know they will know I am talking abou them, does that make sense?
Hope this helps, however, I feel as though I am just rambling so I will stop now! :)
My friends and family know about my blog, because originally, one of my reasons to start it was so they could keep up with all of our adventures all over the countryside. That's all good and great....but sometimes my friends/fam just get on my damn nerves and I would like to vent about it....and I obviously can't.
ReplyDeleteAlso....my mom is always 'I don't know why you put your info out there for the whole world yada yada yada.....that shizzle gets old. quick.
Well, there are goods and bads. If you "vent" like the person above me does, then it might not be a great idea.
ReplyDeleteI express my opinions, no matter what family thinks. I don't hold back just because I know that my Father in Law might be reading my blog or anything.
I really like it if family takes the time to read my blog because then they know the REAL me. Not that I hide the real me, but they can get a better idea of who I am inside instead of who I am during the holidays when I see them, or whatever...
My family and friends know that I have a blog, but I guess they're just not that nosey, cuz they don't read it.
ReplyDeleteSuits me just fine. I don't typically complain about anyone in particular, without changing names to protect the innocent just to be safe.
My sister is about the only one that really knows about mine or reads it. I'd rather they (family or IRL friends)didn't so I didn't feel inhibited in any way.
ReplyDeletethat is a tough one for sure! I advertised it when I first got in by putting a link on facebook... then I took the link down. I know a few friends read and some family members but I think you run into issues if too many people IRL know about it. Sometimes I have people say they didn't like my post and I tell them oh well... start your own blog and you can vent about it there!!
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things I wish i could say on my blog right now and I can't. I wish I had the courage to just say what I want but I can't.
ReplyDeleteHahha! YES! They all know but don't "get it" .... they like to stalk from afar... but the only one who really participates in blogs are bloggers themselves!
ReplyDeleteYay for going public! I have yet to ever post my blog on Facebook and doubt I ever will...
I know what ya mean. I tell people that I blog.I dont go up to them and say Hi, my name is Breanna and I blog. But I do say yeah I saw the cutest shirt or i love that recipe that a friend of mine blogged about..Lol that way they know. I <3 your blog!
I go back and forth and back and forth about the whole going "public" thing....
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I chicken out every time. I feel like I would begin to censor myself if I told people... so I sit, not making any decision for now.
Good luck with your decision!
My blog began to keep family and friends up-to-date. Of course now I have many other blog friends too! I got my mom hooked on a couple of blogs and now she talks about some of the people like she knows them! I do sometimes wish that family and friends didn't know so I could be more open, but oh well. I've thought of starting a second one for that, but I don't think I'd have the time!
ReplyDeleteI believe it really depends on the personalities of th friends and family you are thinking of sharing your blog with. A member of my husband's family found out about my blog through a mutual friend and now within an hour of a new post, my husband gets a phone call and sometihng I wrote is mentioned which makes him think I kind of broadcast information. I don't like having to hold back on my blog because it is like a journal. I would never put anything to personal but i can't even put a prayer request about anything I am going through that I don't want to give complete details on because it will "come home" very quickly. I'm sure not hardly anyone else would have to deal with that situation on their blog but I suggest going back and skimming your past entries and while reading them, think of each person that would read it and how it makes you feel thinking of them reading it. If you feel good about it, I'd say go for it but if it makes you feel reserved or uncomfortable, I'd wait. I started out by putting the link at the bottom of certain emails of people I felt comfortable with but unfortunately it kind of spread down the line. I was shocked to find out a lot of people i know follow the blog without letting it be known. all of a sudden it hit me that I wasn't very comfortable with it.
ReplyDeleteMy mom does not tell everyone that she has a blog for me. The few who know think she is crazy!
ReplyDeleteKisses and hugs
I told everyone at first, and I wish I hadn't. Sometimes I just need a place to vent. Plus, now people I know read the blog all the time and say nothing until we talk randomly one day. That's kind of psycho.
ReplyDeleteWell, I write a lot about our marriage and things I did and did not expect so I have not gone public. Now, I don't hide it, but I don't list it either. Since it's sort of my therapy I'd rather keep it somewhat anonymous. I have some very nosy family that would LOVE to read stuff I write, but I'm not willing to share every aspect of my (our) life with them.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that's why I went private on Twitter as well. So, certain people couldn't find me there either.
Most of my family and friends know I blog - some follow me on a regular basis - but I always debate about telling aquaintances....always afraid I'm going to get that "you do WHAT?" look? LOL
ReplyDeleteHope you join me monday for my Love the Pie Party!! it's my first linky party - and there will be giveaways!!
I have about the same situation as you right now. A few close friends know and read, and my mom does too. But I have not given my co-workers or the rest of my family the link, and I don't plan to. I do a lot of venting about crazy stuff they do, and I'd feel like I couldn't do that.
ReplyDeleteI'd say it kind of depends on what you think you may blog about in the future. Till now, you really haven't talked much about your personal life at all except in a light way. If you keep it like that, sure, spread the word. But, if you decide you want to get more personal you might wanna keep the neighbors out. Wish I had!
ReplyDeleteJustine :o )
My husband knows about my blog. I don't think he's ever read it. He likes that I'm happy and loves to tease me about it. I have a personal blog for family that everyone knows about. I told a few close friends about my blog, but only one bothers to read it. I don't even know if the rest remembered it. Maybe it's better that way. A few not-so-close IRL friends know about it, but they are more blog friends than anything, so I'm okay with that. It's so tough to decide what to do!!!
ReplyDeletemy fiance, my mom, my sis and my besties know about my blog BUT none of them read it! maybe if i sent them the link they would but they all seem too busy to read it. also i figure if they wanted to read it they would've asked me for the link. sometimes my fiance checks it out on his own. other real life people in my life don't know about my blog though. i kind of like it that way. i love having my blog, feel like it filled some kind of void in my life.
ReplyDeletei love your new blog layout!! sooo pretty!
ReplyDeletei went public with mine and ended up reconnecting with some friends from high school. one friend inparticular visited my blog and apparently she had a blog. we then realized we had the same views on many things- clothing, religion, children. it's kind of nice to have found a blog friend who's actually a real life friend too. we are way closer now than we were in high school and it's worth it.
also, not that you are as controversial as i tend to be, but sometimes you will find that people can't handle the details of your life and views. and then it sucks because it's not some anonymous weird in washington, it's your sister-in-law. (i mean um, no, i don't have any issues with my SIL reading and hating on my blog...) that is the downside. but overall i think going public is worth it.