June 28, 2010

Tuesdays At The Table - Macaroni Salad w/Avocado, Tomatoes and Mozzarella

Happy Tuesday!!  June has flown by so quickly!  I can't believe that we're approaching Independence Day.  If I don't get to chat, visit, email or otherwise communicate with you this week - please have a happy, safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

Lovely Yellow Ribbons

 Macaroni Salad w/Avocado, Tomatoes and Mozzarella

1 BOX Elbow macaroni
2 Cups Plum Tomatoes, Diced
3 Cups Avocados, Diced
2 1/2 Cups Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, Cubed
1/2 Cup Fresh Basil, Torn
1/3 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine tomatoes, avocados, mozzarella, basil, and olive oil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Let mixture marinate for 20-30 minutes. Cook elbows about 1 minute less than recommended package cooking time. Drain and pour onto a flat surface. Drizzle with a small amount of oil and let cool.  Add cooled pasta to ingredients in bowl; toss and serve

What's cooking in your kitchen?


  1. I love avocados I am going to have to try this!

  2. Sounds like a fabulous summer salad!

  3. Ooh, where did you get this recipe? It sounds SO good. I wonder if adding some lemon juice would give it some zip. What do you think?

    Justine :o )

  4. Tomatoes, avocados,AND mozzarella..3 of my favorite things. Perfect for the summer.

  5. Oooh, this sounds delish! :D Definitely different than most pasta salads I've ever had...

    Thank you for hosting!

  6. that sounds like a tasty salad :)

  7. Macaroni salad with AVOCADO and Mozzarella?!! Now that sounds delish!!!

  8. The macaroni salad looks awesome! Love avocado! Thanks!

  9. This sounds completely delicious! Definitely trying it!

  10. Its my first time linking for Tuesdays at the Table! Your recipe looks great, I love macaroni salad

  11. This sounds delicious and easy. Can't wait to try it!

  12. Your macaroni salad sounds lovely - perfect for summer, or anytime for that matter! Thanks for hosting Tuesdays at the Table.

  13. That sounds delicious (minus the avocado, since I'm allergic). Have you tried adding balsamic vinegar? It goes well with tomato, basil, and mozzarella; I don't know how it would work with avocado.

    Thanks for hosting!

  14. love avocados!!! I linked up with a unique recipe this week; one that calls for kohlrabi. Didn't know if too many people were familiar with kohlrabi, but for those who are here is another way to fix them. thanks for hosting!

  15. Yum! First time to join, Happy Summer!

  16. I just found your blog listed on Debbie's site. Your recipes look fantastic!

  17. Hi Cole :-)
    First, about your previous posting about the cupcakes cookbook. Cupcakes have become all the rage, haven't they? I recently made LOTS of cupcakes for our grand daughter's first B-day party. Visit our blog and look them up, I promise you, they are beyond 'Yummie!' Oh yeah. o;-p

    Now, about today's posting. My mom use to make this Macaroni Salad that people still inquire about. It was unique and creamy, and you just reminded me that I want to find where I put that recipe!!! ... Besides the cooked macaroni, it also had small chuncks of Velveeta cheese, and pimento, and green pepper and ... humm mmm brain is failing me here. Thanks for the reminder to FIND that!!!

  18. Sound yummy! This one's a keeper.

    Thanks for hosting Tuesdays at the Table.

  19. Sounds delicious--I have basil growing in my garden. :)

  20. OH MY WORD! This sounds so yummy! Love tomatoes, mozarella and avocado. Must try immediately.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What adorable puppies! Thanks for hosting Tuesdays at the Table.

  23. I wish I liked tomatoes because this sounds amazing!

  24. This sounds delicious! Avocadoes are yummy in anything. :)

  25. That sounds really, really good. Very filling!

  26. I love summer salads! I just found your adorable blog, such fun stuff. I'll be back and thanks for hosting!

  27. That sounds like a great pasta salad. Something a little new. I am going to be trying it out soon!! Thanks!!

  28. I love the flavors in your salad. Thanks for sharing it and thanks for hosting. Come join me for What's On the Menu Wednesday whenever you can.

  29. This is a great recipe with my favorite things! I hope you'll come over and link up on No Whine Wednesday!


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