September 12, 2010

Prayers Needed

If you're so cousin, Erin and her hubby, Scott could really use some prayers right now.  Erin's water broke on Thursday and she delivered her precious little baby yesterday - at 25 weeks gestation.

Jaxon is a fighter, but is only 1 lb, 11 oz and 12 inches long.

Sorry, no pictures of the baby...I'm here in Boston and they live in TX.  Here is a pic of mom & dad though.

Much love.


  1. Positive, healing thoughts are headed there way! Please keep us posted

  2. Praying for Mom, Dad, baby, and the rest of the family!

  3. Oh, Cole! I am so sorry to hear about the early delivery. BUT, God is mighty and more than able to provide miracles. I will be lifting Scott, Erin, and especially Baby Jaxon up in prayer a lot this week. I put a note up about them so every time we see it, we will say a prayer for them. Sending lots of love, thoughts, and prayers your way. Please keep us updated.
    So much love to you all,

  4. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers Cole.

  5. My paws are crossed and my mom is praying for them.
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs

  6. Definitely thinking of them and their sweet baby!

  7. Praying!!! Please keep us up to date.

  8. Praying for baby Jaxson and his parents too!

  9. Lifting up Jaxon, Erin and Scott up in prayer.

    I didn't realize you were in the Boston area. I am, too.

    Thanks for hosting today.


  10. Praying for them and for baby Jaxon. A family friend is going through the same thing right now. She was having some issues that were life-threatening to her and the baby, so they delivered the baby 24 weeks (this was early last week). Mackenzie is weighing in at just over 1 pound but so far she is doing good. When I pray for Mackenzie and her mom, I'll pray for your cousins and baby Jaxon too.


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