- My job. Quite frankly - my job sucks sometimes. But I'm thankful that I have a job in this economy and that the seven years (in two weeks) I've spent there have flown by so quickly.
- My work besties. They make long meetings and crabby customers bearable. I look forward to our lunch and coffee breaks each day! They are such special ladies.
- My parents. They are two individuals that have totally different outlooks on life, but they both instilled in me that it's better to give than to receive, to try hard and to make lemonade out of the lemons life throws you from time to time. I'm so thankful that they've made me the person I am today.
- The royal court. See below. :-) I look at the two of them and see in us the relationship that my mom, Kirstren's mom and our Aunt Donna forged 30+ years ago.
- Kirstren - aka the Princess. Don't tell anyone, but she's my favorite cousin and has become one of my best friends. I love our shopping trips, knitting nights and other random outings. She's always able to cheer me up after a bad day and I'm thankful for her just being her.
- Heather - aka the Queen. I'm hugely thankful that Kirstren brought her into my life. They're besties - and I'm such a lucky person that the Queen saw past my natural shyness, "gets" my brand of sarcasm and welcomed me to their larger circle of friends.
- My brother. Like most sibling relationships, we've had our ups and downs. He is really a great person, I'm proud of the time he spent in the Army and thankful that he's home and living with me now.
- My dogs. I'm so thankful that they chose me. Such big personalities in such little dachshund bodies! I'm thankful for their unconditional love and that they've been so patient while I wait to get my backyard fenced in.
Thanksgiving: As the name implies, a day for giving thanks. Since the day that the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Americans have celebrated Thanksgiving Day.
So, what am I thankful for this year?
The ability to get out of bed every morning, put my feet on the floor, and “get going”. So many people cannot do that.
A wonderful family and great friends, whom I love. Too many people do not have this either.
I have a job that I love and wonderful people to work with. How many people can say that, and really mean it? It’s all about the people, and I am blessed to work with the best group I have ever had to work with. There are probably not too many people who can say that.
I have fond memories of days gone by, which I pray I will have forever. Many people have lost their memories; they are gone forever. Some of them may be at our Thanksgiving tables. Be patient and kind, and thankful that they can still join us.
Every year, we celebrate Thanksgiving. But, do people really stop and give thanks for all of their blessings? Or are they too caught up in the cleaning and cooking and preparations for the day to stop and smell those roses.
I have a couple of assignments for each and every one of you this Thanksgiving. Take time for you this Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time off with family and friends. Think about everything you have and be truly thankful. Stop and smell those roses. They may not be there forever.
A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

It really is important to stop and think about what we are truly thankful for. Thanks for the reminder.
How lovely! :-) Thanks for sharing - and yes, I am beyond thankful for my sweet baby Eve Belle too! Love those puppy dogs! Happy Thanksgiving - what's left of it at least!
ReplyDeleteGreat list! Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteSo very thankful for people who make me smile!
ReplyDeleteWhat a special list!
I appreciate my health. I am truly lucky to have that. So many people take it for granted...