Here's where some of you are going to think that I'm absa-blooming-nuts or that I'm utterly genious. (By the way, both are entirely true...) Here is the Black Friday schedule that Kirstren, Heather and I used.
10 PM Brush teeth and clean car
10:20 Leave for Kirstren's house
10:30 Pick up Kirstren
11:10 Arrive at Heather's house
11:15 Prep coffee to-go and get pep talk from Heather's hubby.
His words of advice? "Don't get stabbed, girls."
11:40 Get in line at Toys 'R Us.
12:45 Get rained on in line at Toys 'R Us.
1:58 Successfully leave Toys 'R Us.
2 AM Time for cupcakes and Christmas music in the car!
2:20 Old Navy - Hello, 5 dollar PJ pants!
3:30 Kohl's - I accomplished half my Christmas list here.
4: 45 Target - Easily the best organized store I was in all night.
6:10 Wal-Mart - Easily the least organized store I was in.
7:40 Breakfast with the ladies and a re-cap of our night.
9:30 BED!!!
Did you partake in Black Friday shopping? Did you have to stand in line to get into more than one store? Find any great deals that everyone should know about?

You sure had an eventful Black Friday!
ReplyDeleteI gave you an award today.
Have a great weekend!
Holy sweet mother of gravy! That is impressive ... I just online shopped. I'm scared of people! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you got some fun stuff!
I am sooooo glad that I am not the only Black Friday crazy. :-) I am very impressed by your timeline! I started at 11:30 p.m. and was home in bed by 5:30!
ReplyDeleteMy sister went black friday shopping. I haven't gone out early in the morning, but I kind of would like to sometime for the experience. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed. I haven't done Black Friday shopping in forever! Good that you've gotten a lot accomplished and it sounded like fun too.
ReplyDeleteWow, sounds like you had a successful night!! Very impressive. We usually go but sadly, this year I had to work!
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I hit the stores around 7am, can't stand in line all night I love my sleep too much. We didn't have too much to get this year so we were home a little after noon and then relaxed the rest of the day.
ReplyDeleteI have been meaning to ask you if you have read Cassandra Clare's series. I have read City of Bones and am half way through City of Angels, they are good. My kind of reading with love, mystery, vampires, warlocks, werewolves and fairies. Let me know what you think haven't heard from you in awhile. :)
I didn't shop. I just couldn't. Its that part where you say that you had to leave Toys R Us that does it for me. I get too frustrated!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is insane. I think I woke up about the time you were coming home! So glad you didn't get stabbed! I agree, Target is so much more well organized. I'm usually a walmart shopper but went into Target just today and commented to hubs how much easier it is to find things there.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Reading that list even made me feel worn out! I don't know how you did it! It sounds like you hit up all the great stores!
ReplyDeleteYou are insane! But I would have done it too if I didn't have to work!