December 13, 2010

Tuesdays At The Table - Pecan Praline Cookies

Happy Tuesday, ladies!  Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner?  I can't!!  December is flying by.  I feel like I have so much to do before I'm ready for Christmas to arrive.

Next week  - in lieu of our usual recipes - I think I want to ask everyone to share their favorite holiday cooking memory instead.  Everyone cool with that?!?!  :-)

Lovely Yellow Ribbons

Pecan Praline Cookies

35 graham crackers
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup chopped pecans

Place crackers on ungreased sheet cake pan, covering bottom. Bring sugar, margarine and cream of tartar to a boil. Add nuts. Pour mixture oven the top of the crackers. Bake for 10 minutes at 325. Cool for a few minutes, and remove from pan & cut into bars while still warm. 

What's cooking in your kitchen?


  1. Those cookies sound so good--and it's great that they're so easy!

  2. These sound WAY too good! I would 20, I"m quite sure! Thanks!

  3. A cooking memory next week sounds good. I threw together a cheese ball tonight, so delicious. I recently had one at a party over the weekend. Aren't holiday parties the best because you get to sample a lot of different food?

  4. Thanks for hosting! Lots of delicious recipes to consider.


  5. Thanks for sharing; YUM! This week I'm experimenting with bread...not super festive, but something I'm determined to learn to bake and bake well.

  6. These sound amazing! I totally heart pecan anything!

  7. I love Tuesdays at the Table. So many great ideas.

  8. Yummy cookies! Thanks for hosting!!!

  9. Oops! Hit enter. You can delete my first entry that just says "Wrapping"

    The Correct one is "Wrapping Up the Holidays"

    Thanks for hosting!
    Dr. Laura

  10. Pecan cookies sound fabulous...and super easy! Thanks!

  11. This recipe's definitely a keeper...they sound yummy!

    Thanks for hosting!


  12. So many great sounding recipes. Can't wait to go check them all out!

  13. For many years I have tried to give a few people on my list some edible homemade gifts. I would like to share some of these Ideas.

    Edible Homemade Gift Ideas

  14. Easy and Yummy - two of my favorite words!

  15. Hi! I just found your blog today. I linked to my recipe for Maple Pecan Cookies which are gluten free. They can also be made with "regular" flour if you don't have an issue with gluten.
    Thanks for hosting!


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