I had ice seep into my cellar, build up and crack/freeze pipes. Then my oil company forgot to deliver oil to me. Then the pipes froze enough that I couldn't feed water into my boiler.
Which meant I lived like a Pilgrim from Tuesday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Four days without running water and inconsistent heat was a challenge. Despite needing to melt snow to bath, to flush the toilet, to cook, etc - I REFUSED to give in and go stay at my parent's or cousin's house. Stubborn, much?!?! :-)
Add in a less than lovely (read: craptastic) work week, and a few other unforseen complications, and by Friday afternoon - I wanted to cry into a really large glass of wine. But I made it! I have heat, running water and enjoyed a fantastic game night last night.
This week will be better, right? It has to be!