I know that I'm going to be a freaking mess for part of the day. I got two voicemail messages from customers on Thursday that brought me to tears, they were so nice. I'm an emotion- based person. I do NOT excel at saying good-bye. Today will be full of good-byes. From a few more customers. Calls from far-away co-workers. An email or two asking for my contact info. A last minute visitor dropping by while I pack the last of my stuff.
I warn people that don't like hugs...DO NOT COME NEAR ME!! I may hug you within an inch of your life. And I'll probably cry while I do it.
But I'm hoping for a few moments of levity today too. A chance for a few more sarcastic comments, jazz hands and talk of off-the-wall customers.
And...I'm holding my breath while I wait for the going away present that my old boss (still with the company) always joked about. A brand, spanking new puppy to add to my herd. What?!?! I shouldn't hold my breath?

you know you must post pics if you get that puppy ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh my goshhhh! How funny if you actually got a puppy!? I agree...if it does happen, we need pics puhlease :)
ReplyDeleteJazz Hands and Hugs!!! Can't wait to see you later!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know how tough it is to say goodbye from first hand experience. When my mom and dad moved to NC, I couldn't say goodbye so they left and then I called after they arrived to say, "hi". Chicken me, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm anticipating pictures of your new puppy. Enjoy your day of saying, "See you soon!"
A puppy?!?! Now THAT would be interesting!
ReplyDeleteI feel you on the goodbye stuff :/ You'll get through it though...and a puppy would make that transition easier! lol...
ReplyDeleteI just went through that, when I retired. But know you are cared about and respected, or no one would care. Best of it all in the future. Maybe a stuffed puppy?
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good day. Here's to good things to come!
ReplyDeleteI hope everything went well and now you are ready for the next chapter in your life!
ReplyDeleteKisses and hugs
AWWW! Don't worry sweetie! When one door closes another opens!
ReplyDeleteHope your last day went well!
ReplyDeleteI hope the end wasn't too dreadful and that you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face.