I've been surrounded by people who have had babies in the last few years. I'm genuinely thrilled for the blessing of a child that has come into their lives! My friends have some of the cutest children!! I absolutely adore them! Their little voices saying my name and showing me their toys makes my day. :-) However, seeing all these children has made me come to an unexpected revelation...
Not all babies are cute!
It pains me to say that. Am I a horrible person?!?! For quite a while, I didn't realize that there was such thing as an unpretty/uncute baby. I looooove seeing babies!! So sweet. So small. So cuddly and cooing! I know that I want a few of my own!
For a stretch of time, I was confronted with one such uncute baby on a daily basis, and found myself commenting on the picture surroundings and the child's outfit to compensate for not speaking directly about the little munchkin. It was only when another individual also mentioned that she compensated that way, did I realize that it wasn't just me. This other person was a mom, so it made singleton me feel better...and also very grateful that the other mom had no idea that others didn't find her little bundle of joy as adorable as she does. Really, if my child(ren) aren't cute - I do not want to realize that!! Give me the survival mechanism to think that they are the cutest things on the face of the earth!
Am I the only one? How do you deal in the few-and-far-between situation of being confronted by a little one (or picture) that isn't your usual beautiful cherub?

HAHA Yes, you're right. There definitely IS such a thing as an ugly baby!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think my DD was cute until she was around 5 months. I don't understand why people take offense to someone saying not all babies are cute! LOL
ReplyDeleteI so agree - some children just look like shriveled up old men! I worry that my children might not be cute and then what will I do? Fingers crossed for a cute one.
ReplyDeleteI agree, not all babies are cute. Especially brand new ones. I think they sort of tend to look like little aliens for the first three months or so.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you right now.... I have never seen an uglier infant than my nephew.... until my third kid was born. I was convinced there was something wrong with him. People kept saying how cute he was, and all I could think was that they were just saying that to be nice....lol. But now, he's 2, and he's super cute and has giant blue eyes :D
ReplyDeleteTotally agree! Last year our friends had a baby that was SO NOT cute. He's gotten cuter over time, but I always found myself saying how 'precious' he was. All babies may not be cute but they are all precious! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Not all the babies are cute.
ReplyDeleteMy sister's boys were not cute when they were born... thankfully my sis agreed with me. Now they are very handsome big boys!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza's mom
I think cute babies are actually a rarity! lol It's not until they get past the first few months that most even remotely resemble cute in my opinion. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou are not a horrible person! I totally agree! I just smile say aaaawwwwww and congrats! No comment on looks at all!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I've definitely seen some ugly babies, but thankfully, they do usually grow out of it!
ReplyDeleteall my friends tease me because they know my tactics... if it's an uncute baby I say, "ahhh, he/she is so sweet" "what a cute little outfit"... I know all babies aren't cute... it's the truth!
ReplyDeletehahaha I totally agree!! There is definitely some babies out there who aren't the cutest... I always worry about having a not-so-cute baby but good thing is, we'll love them so much we won't know any better ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL! I so agree! All babies are NOT cute!
ReplyDeleteActually I think the older a newborn gets the better looking, I even thought that about my own 2! They were for sure cuter at 6 months than at 1 month!
I LMAO at this. My husband and I both, for years have been saying the same thing. We feel bad also, but some babies just are not cute. i have even said this about my own relatives. You just smile, tell the parents how cute the baby is and move on. Just like beauty, cuteness is in the eye of the beholder.
ReplyDeletehahaha...usually I just look at the parents and think "oh, that explains it"! (sorry, that was mean).
ReplyDeleteBahahaha! This cracks me up! You're totally right, not all babies are cute. However, I tend to think that most of the babies/kids that aren't super cute grow up to be VERY attractive adults. Maybe it karma or something.
ReplyDeleteThat saying "a face only a mother could love" had to come from somewhere. ;-)
ReplyDeleteNot all babies are cute. Just as not all adults are cute. It's just a fact of life. And you aren't a bad person for stating what everyone already knows.