Lemon Coconut Body Scrub
1 cup Sugar
1/4 to 1/3 cup coconut oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
lemon zest
This recipe is per person.
First find small airtight containers. I used the half-pint size Ball mason jars. (Hint: they were on sale at Target this week.)
If you haven't seen coconut oil before - you can find it in the beauty department (REALLY expensive) or in the organic aisle (much cheaper) and have found that it's the same grade product regardless of what aisle you pick it up in, and usually shipped from the same facility.
Place your jar of coconut oil in a small sauce pan filled with water, over very low heat. It takes a while for the oil to go from solid to liquid form.
In a bowl, combine your sugar, lemon juice and a bit of lemon zest. Add in your coconut oil and stir well. The sugar scrub should be of a sand-like texture. Scoop your scrub into jars and they're ready to gift!