March 06, 2012

Did Someone Say "Blogoversary"?!

Um...somehow I missed my blogoversary again this year.  I mean, I did better this year than I did last year.  Last year I missed it by a month.  This year, but a mere two weeks.

Really, all I can say is THANK YOU!  I'm so thankful that you read the drivel that I write, that some of you leave comments that make me smile...or cause me to think...or are just plain awesome. Mostly, I'm thankful that I've found some really amazing friends through blogging.

Now...what do you want to see more of on this sucker?  More puppy pictures?  Want to ask me a question?  Have a yearning desire to see the money pit that is my house?

Now, who's going to send me cupcakes to celebrate my blogoversary?! :-)


  1. Congrats & Happy Blogversary! Amazing how fast time flies, huh? :)

    **sending you a virtual cupcake**

  2. Happy Blogvesary! More pictures of the pups! And how funny, my Blogversary is tomorrow!
    Dachshund Nola

  3. Happy Blogoversary! Keep up the good work, 'cause I'll be watching you! :D

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Love your blog!

  5. Happy blogoversary! More puppy pictures, more yummy recipes.... and if it makes you feel any better, I think I missed my 500th post! lol. such is life! Love your blog sweet friend!

  6. Happy Blogoversary! Hope you have many more years of sharing your great blog.
    Thank you,
    Miz Helen

  7. Congrats. Of course more puppy pictures...duh. Of course you could add pictures some of your puppy's favorite friends...hint hint....So sorry...Blake made me write that.

  8. Happy Blogoversary! Three years is exciting!

  9. Happy happy blogoversary!! Congrats on another great year! Keep up the fabulous posts!


I LOVE comments! Tell me what you're thinking. :-)

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