Today has been a day of dog rescue activities...which isn't all the uncommon for me. However, today has given the highest of highs and lowest of lows.
This morning I picked up little Bauer. He is a sweet, sweet boy who's family opted to surrender him. For obvious reasons, I won't say anything more about that. Bauer and I then went to pick up another foster pup that needs to get spayed. I quickly discovered that Bauer DOES NOT like the car...and will only settle if someone sings to him. Yes, I sang for HOURS as we sat in traffic and made our way to our destinations.
I got to drop Bauer off at his foster family's house. He immediate took to them and they accepted him with open arms. He looks content, right?! It made my heart sing.
I then went back to our rescue's headquarters and was getting ready to head back home. And that's when it happened. Dottie the pitbull attacked Jack-Jack the italian greyhound. Someone quickly grabbed Jack-Jack and when that happened, she turned and bit me.
We rushed Jack-Jack to the vet and almost lost him during that car ride. Blood gushing out of his nose and mouth. Wounds all over his neck and hindquarters. Right now, we still don't know if he's doing to make it.
Dottie got euthanised. It didn't follow the usual quarantine period - but both animal control and the vet know what they're doing. My heart breaks for her. She had never been violent before and we don't know what, if anything, set off this horrifying incident.
I got nine stitches in my upper lip and up to right below my nose. My face and Dottie's collided with such force that I have a bruise under my eye. I'm lucky that I got stitched up by a plastic surgeon. {Too bad he didn't use enough anesthesia and I felt over half the stitches going in.} My face will be swollen and bruised up to a week, I'm told. I'm also under orders not to talk too much and to keep my face iced and elevated.
The worst part? For the first time in my life... I'm a little scared of dogs. I don't know when I'll feel OK with coming face to face with another pit bull or pit mix. And I know they can be REALLY good dogs.
Tonight I'm thankful for my family. They sprang into action to make sure I had ice, tylenol and cold drinks in my house. Mom made sure my pups got fed, out to potty and had play time. I couldn't wait to get home to Meadow, Beckett, Paisley and Brady. I think the little boy just might stay.
Please pray for Jack-Jack. His family loves him so much. Please also know that if you opt to make a rude comment about pitbulls, I will opt to delete your comment. I respect your opinions....please be respectful of the words you chose to express them here.