You all know what dogs mean to me! I mean, I'm renaming/redesigning my blog in my little munchkins' honor. :-) Dogs have been a part of my life since birth. I have no major memories in my life that I didn't have at least one dog by my side. I'm so lucky to be on the board of directors of Furever Dachshund Rescue. My heart leaps with joy every time we pull a dog out of a shelter and find them a new home.
Frosty Paws is celebrating National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month by sponsoring a giveaway for your precious fur-kids. They are letting me give away TEN Frosty Paws gift packs (A"Frosty" plush toy and 2 Frosty Paws coupons). I should add that the plushy is not suitable for dogs to chew on.
The rules:
- You must be following my blog.
- Leave me a comment telling me either: A. How you and your dog(s) met. or B. Your favorite thing about your dog(s).
- All entries must be submitted by midnight EST on October 20, 2012.

I want to enter!!! The favorite thing I love about my two dachshund, Brownie & Bella, is that when they greet me at the door they run out the doggie door to the back yard and bark like "see we protected the yard today - no squirrels or birds here!" :) ~~ DeeAnn
ReplyDeleteCan I answer A and B? Because I'm going to anyways!
ReplyDeleteMadison adopted me when I was a junior in college from Animal Rescue Fund in Muncie, IN. A few short months later, Lilly adopted me as well (she's from the same rescue). Last year, I got a call from the local humane society wanting to know if I was willing to foster a feral dog that was being removed from a hoarding situation... and that's how Sam found his way into my life. Dean came to live with me when my ex-boyfriend went to jail and his mother was going to ship him off to a shelter (here he would have been euthanized).
My favorite thing about Madison is her overly bizarre sleeping positions. My favorite thing about Lilly is her overly cuddly nature and that she uses a pillow and blanket like a human. My favorite thing about Sam is that despite the first six years of this life being hell - he is always cheesing. My favorite thing about Dean is the the typical annoying little brother of my pack... and that he looks like a real life teddy bear!
My Mommy and Daddy rescued me from a shelter after someone just dumped me off there and walked away. I have the best furever home any pup could wish for. My family loves me so much and puts up with my sassiness and silliness. I am a happy girl now.
ReplyDeleteLoveys Sasha
While I didn't rescue my dogs from shelters, I recuded them from people who didn't want them and if I wouldn't have taken them, would have sent them to a shelter. Our doxie was just 4 months old when the people gave him to us. He was living in the little boys room in a laundry basket while the boy(age 13) was at school. The mother had no desire to help with the dog since he was a Christmas gift from the father. Our lab puppy we got about 2 months ago. She was only 6 months old and we were here at least 4th owners! She came with fleas, worms, more dirt than I though possible and had NEVER been to the vet! I took car of it all on the first day before she even stepped foot in my house! Now, my dogs act like they've been together forever and can't stand to be apart for more than a few minutes! I honestly feel like I saved them and I am giving them a better life than they would have had if I hadn't of gotten them.
ReplyDeleteI got Nola from a VERY reputable breeder, so there isn't much to her actual "gotcha" tale. So I'll tell my favorite thing about her.
ReplyDeleteMy absolute two favorite (can't pick between the two) about Nola are 1) How incredibly smart she is. She's the most intelligent dog I've ever had, but not necessarily the most obedient ;) I love how she's smart enough to make me actually THINK of ways to train her that she won't get bored with. She keeps me on my toes.
The second thing is how caring/loving/sensitive she is. I can come home after a rough day or even just when I'm feeling a little down and her demeanor instantly changes. She'll hop up into my lap and just sort of sink into me and nuzzle at my hand, or she'll bring me her favorite toy and put it in my lap and push it at me with her nose
My favorite thing about my dog is her personality! Eve Belle is like a little human for sure, and she communicates, plays, and sulks whenever she wants! She's never happier than when she's got her mommy and daddy on the floor tossing her favorite toys around. She's also a sucker for treats, ice and frosty paws!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about Sophie and Sheldon is how sweet and loving they are. They are big snugglers and are always giving kisses!
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for sometime and love it cause you love your furbabies! Currently, we have 3 dogs...all shelter or rescued. Samantha, we found in a Target parking lot, as a puppy. Cappy, we adopted from the humane society (after she was featured on a local radio show) and Solo - we adopted from a family whose dad was headed to war and the mom (and 4 children) could not care for her. We live in the country and have had more than 10 dogs, the ones that have passed on are buried behind our barn in a very special place.
ReplyDeleteMy current furbabies are such a joy to me. We are empty nesters (as far as real children) so these furbabies are my life. They are spoiled beyond belief. They have their own room, even tho they prefer to sleep with mom/dad. They love you unconditionally and they know when you are having a bad day. Nothing like a big ole lick in the face, when the day hasn't gone just right!!
frosty paws always bring a smile around here ... we would stand in the pool and hold a frosty paw cup for France (the worlds biggest, and bestest dalmation)to eat ... it was funny to watch him from that view while he licked away ... the kids would just die laughing and keep asking for another one to give him ... I'm not entering the contest (no dogs any more)but just sharing the special times with dog treats :)
ReplyDeleteYay! My pups are crazy about Frosty Paws. Oh, where do I even begin with my dogs. My favorite thing about Mally is playing "blanket game" with her. She hids under the blankets on the bed and I play with her from the other side. She grunts and snorts and sneezes and thinks its the greatest game ever. My favorite thing about Sage is when she chases her tail...still. She's so big she runs into everything and has knocked over an entire bookshelf chasing her tail. I hope she never grows out of that.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun giveaway!!! My dogs are my mother's We moved in next door recently and they have become part of us as well and the 5 chickens! Their is a Great Pyrenees Named Kelly and a Mixed Dog named Shyla that she rescued from a Shelter. They are so fun!! My favorite things about them is they are guard I'm not used to living out in the woods and I mean deep in the woods. They patrol the area and keep all the wild animals away and that works for me!
ReplyDeleteWe met through a message board at my grad school! I was trolling the for sale board where people usually sold furniture, books, etc. and Kona was listed on there by a college student who bought her and then realized how much work a puppy is! Her first owner was going to give her to a shelter if no one wanted her, so my husband and I decided to bring her home :)
ReplyDelete3 doxies.. My oldest Freddie is the last puppy of the last puppy that my dad raised... she is nearly 15. My sweet Billie is a puppy mill rescue who my dad saved. And lil Jo is a sweet doxie whose mama was abandoned at my vets pregnant. My vet kept the mama and hand picked us lucky ones who got a puppy! Best thing about my girlies? The absolute joy they give me just by loving me.
ReplyDeletei have 3 doxies... Freddie who is the last puppy of the last puppy that my dad raised. She is a red mini who will soon be 15. Billie is a B&T standard who is a puppy mill rescue... she is my heart. Lil Jo came to me from my vet. Her mama was dumped at my vets, pregnant, outside in a kennel. My vet kept her mama and hand picked who was lucky enough to get a puppy! lil Jo is 8 mths old now... The best thing about my sweet girlies is the absolute joy they give just by loving me. Every time I arrive home from being away for work the welcome is beyond joyous! And i might add that Billie and Freddie have become quite adept at facetime and skype.\
ReplyDeleteA coworker was giving away a litter of dachshunds so I got one, Benson. We soon found out the person who adopted another one of them couldn't keep him so we adopted Kobe also. Today they turned 3 years old and they scarfed down some Frosty paws to celebrate! :) We would love to win some coupons for more!
ReplyDeleteMy BFF and I use to watch Dachshund races in high school, and yell profound wiener jokes and laugh for hours. We use to talk about the day we would each have our own houses and own a wiener baby all of our own. Then after high school she got one first, and my sweet Chloe came from the litter of her first Dachshund!
ReplyDeleteWhen we went to pick her from the litter she choose us! <3
What do I love the most about her? Everything - after all wiener dogs are the best!