October 29, 2012

Toy & Treat Swap Reveal

Thank you to EVERYONE that participated in the toy and treat swap with Nola & I!!!  I think we're still waiting for a few packages to arrive (For instance, I sent poor Ashley a second package.  We think her neighbor stole the first one.)...but we'll leave the link open for a week so everyone can link up at their convenience.  :-)

Ashley sent me crew these goodies. 
The boys are so excited to play with the hard toys.  Hopefully it will keep them entertained if we lose power!

I hope everyone had fun and that Nola & I can host this swap again next year!


This linky list is now closed.
P.S. The power company and my town have sent out notifications that "Frankenstorm" could mean that we lose power for 2-7 days.  I hope this is a wild exageration...but have a few posts pre-scheduled just in case.  If you're in the storm path - BE SAFE!


  1. Awwww! Thanks for shipping a second package! The first one still hasn't shown up. :(

    I know my dogs are hard on soft toys so I went with something more sturdy! :)

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. That was so much fun! Be careful with the storm! Stay safe
    Amanda and Nola

  3. This was a great idea ladies! Thank you so much for hosting!

  4. This was so much fun! Thanks to you girls for hosting! We dog mommas had a great time!! The pups did too!

  5. What a fun swap. I hope you do it again soon. I love this idea.


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