A few weekends ago, I got to go to the Boston Wine Expo with some of my favorite ladies. I talked about it before here. There a few things you should know about the wine expo...
- The expo runs one weekend a year at the Seaport Trade Center. The setting would be absolutely beautiful if A. it was warm out B. you could bring your wine outside.
- You need to have a game plan going into the event. It's totally overwhelming if you don't plan ahead OR if you tend to get easily distracted. Oh, look a SHINY object!
- The snacks are there for a reason. EAT THEM! Better yet...bring some home for later!
- The venue is crowded and lots of people are drinking (duh), so go with people that have a sense of humor.
- Don't expect to see just wines at the wine expo. You can taste some lovely hard ciders, mead and beers too.
- You will get a little drunk/tipsy no matter how hard you try not to. Just accept it and enjoy it.
- If you pay attention - you can get some good swag! (coupons, full salads/snacks, reusable shopping bags; not to mention your fabulous wine glass)
The top hat was "borrowed" off the head of a vintner!
Smile girls!
Nice accessories....
If you're going to be a bitch, you might as well be a happy one!
I'll talk about the wines next week. :-)