June 24, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - The Hawaiian Diva

This little diva LOVES to dress up!  Yes, I'm serious... Paisley enjoys clothes.  :-)



  1. She looks adorable! Pip loved to dress up too. Ruby not so much!

  2. Adorable! Mom wishes we liked clothes. We let her put them on us and walk around for a bit then we start to waller around trying to get them off.

  3. So adorable!!! Dory also likes to dress up!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. Hi:

    I am quite new to Blogville (I joined during Sarge's recruitment in June). I hope you will come and visit my blog soon.

    I have only lived with my Mum since last August and thankfully she has never tried to put clothes on me. She has gone as far as booties, but the one she got were no good, so she got new ones -- when box is opened< i hope to try them. The ground gets too hot after about 9 am for my poor little paws!!!

    Toodle pip


  5. Oh my gosh, how cute is that The Secret Life of Pets movie? Love it. Happy early birthday! ;)


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