October 14, 2015

London Calling

At long last, I am taking my first real vacation in a decade!!!  (The few days almost six years ago watching my brother graduate from Army boot camp don't count...right?!)

I have a few posts scheduled for you all.  Next time I'll be more prepared and ask a few fabulous people to do guest posts!  I'll be checking in from time to time...but if I don't answer any comments or emails until my return, I apologize!

I'll "see" you all in two weeks!  I fully expect a synopsis of everything I missed upon my return.  :-)



  1. HAVE A BLAST!!!!!
    (and get lots of steps in, LOL). Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  2. Have an amazing time! London is a great place!

  3. Holy crap, have fun!!!! I can't wait to hear about it! Nola and I are going to either Italy or France next spring, and I'm so excited. Enjoy!


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